Chalk Talk with Teresa Willis

Chalk Talk is a new series the Forecastle Foundation has started to learn more about what other community members are doing to help rebuild the world's natural awesome.

Our first Chalk Talk of the year is with Teresa Willis, a writer, performer and the Director of Louisville’s Slant Culture Theatre Festival. She’s also a Pilates instructor and a playwright. When she’s not writing, acting, directing or Pilates-ing, she works hard to preserve the natural awesome in her community. We met with Teresa for some delicious caffeinated beverages at VINT Coffee to talk about it.

Teresa’s idea of rebuilding the earth’s natural awesome starts at home. An avid supporter of local farming, she makes it a habit to get all of her fruits and vegetables from local farmer’s markets. Not only is it important for her to know where her food comes from, but she also wants to make sure to support and help sustain those farms that are so essential to a healthier future. One thing about stocking up on fruits and vegetables that can become a bad habit for a person as busy as Teresa is food waste.

Food waste makes you feel bad. It’s also bad for the environment, as it produces methane gas when it decays in landfills. She avoids this by always having reusable green produce bags on hand. These little miracles are made from low density-polyethylene that is coated with a fine layer of natural clay containing high levels of a mineral proven to absorb ethylene gas. They also contain a natural mineral called oya, which can preserve food up to 3 – 10 times longer. This means less waste, and less energy and resources used to produce, package and transport food – all of these add to greenhouse gas production. So, essentially, Teresa is saving the world - one ripe veggie at a time.

Want in on the veggie preservation? Pick some up at Rainbow Blossom Natural Markets today!